飼料研究報告第38号(2013年(平成25年)発行)Research Report of Animal Feed No. 38 (2013)
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Study of Application of Acid Hydrolysis and Ether Extraction Method to the Determination of Crude Fat in Oil Foots
Simultaneous Determination of Azoxystrobin and 6 Pesticides in Rice Straw, Whole-crop rice silage, and Paddy rice for Feed by LC-MS/MS
Simultaneous Determination of Aldicarb, Aldicarbsulfone and Aldicarbsulfoxide in Grain and Grass Hay by LC-MS/MS
Simultaneous Determination of Orysastrobin and 13 Pesticides in Rice Straw, Whole-crop rice silage and Paddy rice for Feed by LC-MS/MS
Simultaneous Determination of Glufosinate, 3-(Methyl phosphinico) propanoic acid and N-Acetylglufosinate in grains, grass hay and rice straw by LC-MS/MS
Determination of Benfuresate and Cyhalofop-butyl in Rice Straw and Paddy Rice by GC-MS
Determination of Molinate in Feed by GC-MS
Proficiency Test (in the fiscal 2012)
Monitoring Results of Undesirable Substances in Feeds (in the fiscal 2012)
Result of official “Testing” of specified feed additives (in the fiscal 2012)
(食品衛生学雑誌, 53(3), 152?156 (2012))
(食品衛生学雑誌, 53(5), 225?232 (2012))
(Anim Sci J, 83(10), 690-695 (2012))
(Mycotoxin Research, DOI number: 10.1007/s12550-012-0155-6 Published online: 30 December 2012))