
Research Report of Animal Feed No. 36 (2011)

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Determination of Melamine in Feeds by LC-MS/MS

Improved Determination Method of Morantel Citrate in Formula Feeds by LC

PCR-RFLP Identification of Prohibited Animal-derived DNA in Animal Feeds

Determination of Moisture Content in Wet Type Pet Foods

Determination of Chlorpyrifos-methyl, Pirimiphos-methyl and Malathion in Wet Type Pet Foods by GC-FPD

Determination of Sorbic Acid in Pet Foods by LC


Improved Determination Method of Lolitrem B in Ryegrass by LC

Assessment of Morinaga ELISA Kit Ver.2 Detecting Bovine Protein in Feeds

Interlaboratory Study of Mercury in Feeds

Collaborative Study of Determination of Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2 in Wet Type Pet foods by LC-FL

Collaborative Study of Determination of Deoxynivalenol in Wet Type Pet Foods by LC-MS

Collaborative Study of Determination of Sodium Nitrite in Pet Foods by Spectrophotometric Analysis


Proficiency Test in the fiscal 2010


Monitoring Results of Undesirable Substances in Feeds (in the fiscal 2010)

Monitoring Results of PCDDs, PCDFs and Co-PCBs in Feeds (in the fiscal 2006~2010)

National assay results of specitied feed additives (in the fiscal 2010)


1 Four-Year Surveillance for Ochratoxin A and Fumonisins in Retail Foods in Japan
 (Journal of Food Protection, 73(2), 344–352 (2010))
2 Simultaneous analysis of organic acids and inorganic anions in silage by capillary electrophoresis
 (Animal Feed Science and Technology, 161, 58–66 (2010).)
3 PCR-RFLP Identification of Prohibited Animal Derived DNA in Animal Feed
 (Food Hygiene and Safety Science, 52(1),24-27 (2011).)
4 Guidelines used in Japan to prevent the contamination of feed products with undesirable substances
 (Veterinaria Italiana, 47(1), 49-52 (2011).)
